The Importance of Immediate Response to Fire Damage Restoration

Fire safety is essential for homeowners and renters, and when a fire occurs, contacting disaster restoration experts is paramount. Fires are nightmares that leave behind chaos and stubborn smoke damage. But with the proper knowledge and preparation, you’ll be ready to fight back. This blog will explore the importance of immediate fire damage restoration and …

8 Ways to Prevent Kitchen Fires

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but kitchen fire prevention strategies are crucial as you cook meals and create memories with your loved ones. Cooking offers a time to come together and forge lasting experiences; however, it’s also a task that poses significant fire risks. Cooking is the leading cause of home fires …

10 Steps To Take After a House Fire

Experiencing a house fire is traumatic and often leaves people grappling with a range of emotions — preparation helps you navigate these challenges. Most Americans don’t realize that small house fires are the most common disaster in the country. In the aftermath, you need a clear plan of action to help you navigate the arduous …

Winter House Fire Statistics and History

House fires date back to the early 19th century, but what are winter house fire statistics like today? Over 350,000 fires are extinguished every year, bringing with them thousands of deaths and injuries. Something as simple as knocking a candle over can start a fire. Of course, before we had electricity in our homes, open …

Emergency Escape Plan for In-Home Fire

Fires can break out at any time, so it’s imperative to have an emergency escape plan in place to protect you and your family. We recommend practicing this escape plan twice a year. An in-home fire escape plan includes preparing every member of your family – from the youngest to the oldest. Fires will destroy …

How to Prevent Winter Home Fires

It’s essential to take the necessary steps to prevent winter home fires, especially if you’ve had to find creative ways to keep your house warm. Space heaters and wood-burning stoves can work wonderfully to keep things cozy, but you must use them with extreme caution. Leading Causes of Home Fires in the Winter According to …

How to Safely Burn Weeds

How do you safely burn weeds? Whether there is a red flag fire warning or not, proper fire safety protocols can prevent a disaster. Before You Get Started Many places have strict regulations around when and where you can have a “residential open burn”. In Utah, you must gain a permit through the Utah Department …

How to Avoid Fire Hazards in Your Bedroom

The bedroom is full of fire hazards that you must avoid to stay safe. Sadly, not many homeowners know what constitutes a danger. Each year, many fires begin in the bedroom, which is thought to be one of the more dangerous places for a fire to start because it is where people sleep. Unfortunately, many …