What You Should Do in the Face of a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters are as scary as they are unexpected. From hurricane to earthquake, here’s what you should do when faced with a natural disaster.  Before the Disaster If you are able to prepare for a disaster beforehand, here are some key tips: Fill your car with gas – If you end up needing to evacuate …

What are the Biggest Fire Hazards in Your Home?

House fires are a terrifying, but very real possibility. The best way to prevent house fires is by identifying the biggest fire hazards in your home.  Keep reading to find out what you should keep an eye on, and some tips on how to prevent your home from going up in flames.  Bad Wiring Electrical …

Five Signs That Mold Could Be Hiding in Your Home

Mold is an incredibly common problem in homes, and it’s as dangerous and invasive as it is unsightly. Toxicology expert Ronald E Gots states that, while no one knows the exact number of homes that have mold hidden behind the walls, but his best current estimate is nearly 70%. In fact, it is thought that it …

How to Effectively Clean the Rain Gutters on Your Home

Rain gutters are an essential component of your home, and a key piece in ensuring your property does not suffer water damage.  Your property’s gutter system has many responsibilities. Rain gutters are responsible for preventing large icicles from forming and help keep your foundation in good condition. They protect the exterior walls of your home …

How To Storm-Proof Your House

Your best defense against tumultuous weather is to storm-proof your house so that you’re prepared in the worst case scenario. All across America, people face severe weather such as blizzards, hail storms, tornados, hurricanes, and more. Each region in the United States comes with various types of storms that can hit hard, and as weather patterns …

How to Avoid Fire Hazards in Your Bedroom

The bedroom is full of fire hazards that you must avoid to stay safe. Sadly, not many homeowners know what constitutes a danger. Each year, many fires begin in the bedroom, which is thought to be one of the more dangerous places for a fire to start because it is where people sleep. Unfortunately, many …

5 Emergency Items All Homes Should Have

Disaster can strike at any moment, so being prepared with all the essential emergency items is wise. An intense storm or natural disaster can leave your home without power and can impact your ability to leave for hours or days at a time. Outside of an emergency action plan, you and your family should always …

Tips for Safely Using Fireplaces

With winter fast approaching, people all across the nation will be lighting up their fireplaces to heat their homes. If your home features a fireplace, you understand the cozy and warm feeling it brings. However, fireplaces can be extremely dangerous, and using them carefully and responsibly is necessary for the safety of you and your …