5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional to Deal with Mold

Most homeowners don’t want to deal with mold, understandably. Not only is it unsightly, but it poses a safety hazard to their family.  Mold poses serious health concerns because it can go undetected in your house for months or even years. It can hide under your sink, behind walls and tiles, in your ceiling, and …

What is an Air Scrubber?

An air scrubber can benefit your home and business’s air quality, but should everyone invest in one? Usually, when you hear the word “pollution,” you may be thinking about the smog that collects above major urban cities, or the gunk being poured into lakes and oceans by large manufacturing plants. However, air pollution can be …

5 Tips to Stay Safe in an Earthquake

Natural disasters can be terrifying and devastating, but it is vital to know how to stay safe in an earthquake.  When an earthquake occurs, it can create serious destruction, and they are often followed by fires, flooding, tsunamis, avalanches, or landslides. Fortunately, most earthquakes are minor, but even a minor shake can cause damage. Larger …

Cleaning Your Window Wells: How It Can Prevent Water Damage

Regularly cleaning your window wells is critical, yet many homeowners fail to see the importance of maintaining them to prevent water damage.  Window wells are an International Residential Code safety requirement for any home to provide egress in the event of a disaster or threat of danger; however, they can also create a dangerous situation …

How to Prevent Fire Hazards in the Bedroom

Bedroom fires make up half of all home fire deaths and are where electrical fires start. However, by implementing some tips, you can easily prevent fire hazards. Stay tuned to learn 11 tips to help avoid potential fires in the bedroom. Fire Statistics in the Bedroom According to FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administration, most people die …

How to Prepare for a National Disaster

Disasters can strike anytime, anywhere. Often, there’s not much time to prepare when an earthquake just struck your town, as Utah has seen this year, or the Coronavirus that hit and left people home for months. Read today’s blog on the steps you need to take in preparing for a national disaster, so you and …

Tips for Eliminating Fire Hazards this Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and with it, fire hazards that increase with more outdoor activities, such as barbecuing and setting off fireworks. Continue reading to learn about how you can eliminate fire hazards in your backyard and enjoy the summer this year. Summer Fire Statistics Most fire hazards indeed occur in the summer, …