How to Prevent Winter Home Fires

It’s essential to take the necessary steps to prevent winter home fires, especially if you’ve had to find creative ways to keep your house warm. Space heaters and wood-burning stoves can work wonderfully to keep things cozy, but you must use them with extreme caution. Leading Causes of Home Fires in the Winter According to …

How to Safely Burn Weeds

How do you safely burn weeds? Whether there is a red flag fire warning or not, proper fire safety protocols can prevent a disaster. Before You Get Started Many places have strict regulations around when and where you can have a “residential open burn”. In Utah, you must gain a permit through the Utah Department …

Preventing Fire Disasters

Preventing fire disasters should be a top priority when considering the safety and wellbeing of you and your home.  Keep reading to find out more about keeping yourself and your loved ones safe from fire disasters.  Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms When a fire starts somewhere in your home, you want to be aware of …

Home Fire Pit: Safety Precautions You Should Be Taking

If you have a home fire pit, there are some safety precautions you should be taking for the safety of both you and your home.  Fire pits are a great way to turn your yard into the ultimate hangout spot during the summer, but without the proper supervision they can get out of control fast …

What are the Biggest Fire Hazards in Your Home?

House fires are a terrifying, but very real possibility. The best way to prevent house fires is by identifying the biggest fire hazards in your home.  Keep reading to find out what you should keep an eye on, and some tips on how to prevent your home from going up in flames.  Bad Wiring Electrical …

Tips for Eliminating Fire Hazards this Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and with it, fire hazards that increase with more outdoor activities, such as barbecuing and setting off fireworks. Continue reading to learn about how you can eliminate fire hazards in your backyard and enjoy the summer this year. Summer Fire Statistics Most fire hazards indeed occur in the summer, …